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  • naiomi20043

52 weeks of socks: Finished one!

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Just a year ago, my daughter bought me the 52 weeks of socks book, which sat at the top-Top-TOP of my christmas list. My plan was the same as everyone else's: Knit a ton of socks all year long. Well. I finished my first pair just ten months later.

Joji Locatelli's Riverbed was my choice because in DK they'd knit up quick, and sitting in stash was the perfect yarn: Springy Sueno from Hikoo by Skacel. I dug this pattern, seriously no issues whipping up these little beauties to gauge with the called-for needles.

Though I will say this: knit to gauge in this weight on these needles does make for a dense fabric, and as my father said "some sturdy sock!" Which brought me pause at the 25% halfway-into-sock-one point ... am I going to wear these beasts and if so, with which shoes? "House socks," my sister said. "If your floors are clean."

Because I love this yarn so much, and the pattern is quite addictive once a rhythm is established, I sallied forth to complete sock one and wear it for a day as a test. Passed with flying colors. The yarn wore well and was not tough on the soles of the foot, which is a thing with me and socks.

As to durability, I have been wearing the pair steadily since completion, about a month now, and they look good. No obvious fatigue that I can see ... yet. But I am caring for them better than any other socks I have ever owned. As to shoes, I broke down and got a pair of clogs, the perfect choice to show off a sturdy house sock made outdoor-friendly for winter use.

We do recommend Sueno for socks if you are making a sturdy pair like this. A mix of wool and 20% bamboo means they are moisture-wicking, breathable, stretchy and hold warmth well. That pretty bamboo shine, however, means pilling lies ahead. But we can live with that on socks and there's always the handy-dandy shaver if we ever want to take these to a runway event.

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