After three failed attempts, the Still River Mills Spidey Mitts are actually (finally) happening! For this, I am using Hedgehog Fibers skinny singles on size 3 DPNs.

Nothing really difficult about this pattern so long as you track. Which is where I went wrong on previous attempts — too much stop and start without marking. Highlighting tape helped immensely, plus an ability to read knitting is essential. Having a base of garter makes reading the LT & RT much easier, since they literally pop off the base.
The only tricky moves are the right & left twists, which are used to make the legs. If there is anywhere you can get crossed up in this pattern, it's here. I'd also recommend viewing a thumb gusset video before starting, as the thumb instructions are minimal.
Mitt one was completed in one day, with only one unravel (I forgot the thumb gusset). This yarn is a bit thicker than the recommended "lightfoot" so my mitts are slightly larger than the sample, but this color was well-worth it. Pleasantly surprised at how well the spider shows up with the colorful yarn!
Overall: Recommended pattern, and using a colorful yarn still shows off the spider detail